Ten years of History of Geo- and Space Sciences
30 June 2020
On 1 April 2010 the first article of the open-access science history journal History of Geo- and Space Sciences (HGSS) was published in the journal's online library. Read more in the Editorial in Hist. Geo Space. Sci., 11, 135–135, https://doi.org/10.5194/hgss-11-135-2020, 2020.
HGSS has always been a great addition to all our topical journals in the Geo- and Space Sciences since it focuses on the historical aspects of the research in our disciplines and sets the scene for storytelling around the achievements of famous scientists. Happy birthday, HGSS, and a big thank you to all editors, referees, and authors.
Kristian Schlegel, HGSS Executive Editor
Martin Rasmussen, Managing Director of Copernicus Publications